This project was all based around the positive effects of Storytelling, it focused on storytelling as therapy, learning, and a means of creative expression, and as a way of creating positive social change.  It was a series of objects exploring storytelling and recording, and finally a pavilion as a place to tell stories.
The Story Amulet
The Object is designed as a simple puzzle, each piece can only be moved one at a time.
The inside of the amulet has a story engraved on it, as a little insight into another person's life.
The Text on this piece reads:
As a child aged nine I'd been playing on the beach unaware that the tide had flowed in behind and cut me off from the mainland. Being a non swimmer I  panicked and    stripping down  to my underpants, holding clothes and shoes above my head,in great fear I rushed into the rapid current and naturally was carried away. Thinking I was about to drown imagine my unbelievable joy when my foot touched sand beneath my feet. I'd lost all my clothed but I was safe
I'm now 82 and for the last 50 years I've known that just as God gave life in the begining He alone will end it, but until then I will live until He calls me home.

The Wordlight
The Lantern works as a message in a bottle. The light is sound responsive to record the flicker of the storytellers voice.
The Shadow Puppet Theatre.
Made from solid bamboo, the box folds out to become a shadow puppet theatre.
The Storytelling Tent
The pavilion is designed to defy your expectations, with the interior a different shape to the exterior. Paper banners suspended from the roof allow the visitors to record their stories in the tent. A light that is reminiscent of a camp fire where people sit around to tell stories
Design development.

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